For Visitors
Getting here
For visitors who drive or take a taxi, please ask use the following address: 76 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637331
Alight at block N2 and take the lift from level B5 to level 1. The Asian School of the Environment is on your right.
If you drive, there is a multi-story carpark next to block N2.
For visitors who take public transport, please use the NTU Campus Map and key in 'N2-01C-34' and click 'directions to here'.
For visitors who drive or take a taxi, please ask use the following address: 76 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637331
Alight at block N2 and take the lift from level B5 to level 1. The Asian School of the Environment is on your right.
If you drive, there is a multi-story carpark next to block N2.
For visitors who take public transport, please use the NTU Campus Map and key in 'N2-01C-34' and click 'directions to here'.
For Students
Undergraduates: If you are interested to conduct a research project, please consider the following programmes (FYP, ES3008, URECA) which allow you to gain course credits. If you are interested to be attached to the lab for research experience, please send me an email at janicelee<a> From time to time, we may have WSS jobs available and may need student assistants during the summer.
Graduate Students: There are no PhD scholarships offered from my lab at the moment. There are several graduate programmes that offer PhD scholarships at NTU Singapore. Please see NTU Office for Graduate Admissions for a list of Graduate Scholarships available. There is also the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme.
Graduate Students: There are no PhD scholarships offered from my lab at the moment. There are several graduate programmes that offer PhD scholarships at NTU Singapore. Please see NTU Office for Graduate Admissions for a list of Graduate Scholarships available. There is also the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme.
For Postdocs
There are several funding opportunities from NTU Singapore. If you are interested to work in our lab, please get in touch with me at janicelee<a> Some potential funding sources include:
NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship
NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity Postdoctoral Fellowship
NTU School of Social Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship (this requires identifying a collaborator from the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
The Wallenberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships at NTU Singapore (this is open to early-career scientists who graduated from Swedish universities)
SG Academies ASEAN Fellowship Program (for bright ASEAN postgraduate researchers to conduct research in any Singaporean research institute)
Asian School of the Environment
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue
Block N2-01C-43
Singapore 639798
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue
Block N2-01C-43
Singapore 639798
Earth Observatory Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue,
Block N2-01a-15,
Singapore 639798
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue,
Block N2-01a-15,
Singapore 639798